About the artist
I have a beautiful studio in Somerset not far from The Somerset Levels.
My Inspiration comes from drawing in the wild and my observations and sketches made while walking alone. I love wild open spaces like salt marshes, estuaries and Islands.
The geology of islands. The colours and essence of different places. The patterns of nests, rock formations on which ravens and other birds nest. Rocky outcrops over which sea birds glide.
With binoculars in hand, I seek to observe scenarios and interactions between birds and animals - whether it is an exchange of glances or the movement of a bird in flight I try to interpret that fleeting moment in sketch to later
re-interpret in print in the studio. My prints are a colourful celebration of the natural world.
During lockdown I started doing a daily moth drawing. Each evening I set up my moth trap in my garden. The excitement each morning opening it inspired me. I would pick a moth put it in a clear plastic pot and draw it using a magnifying glass. After I would release it into a shady spot in the garden and post the drawing on Instagram as my Moth Diary.
I studied fine art at Bath Academy of Art, Corsham and for over 40 years I have earned my living with a paint brush. From portraits to trompe l’oeil, from murals to painted tapestries, always taking 'my inspiration' from nature. Commissions came from all over the world.
I am a member of The Devon Guild of Craftsmen, an elected Senior Fellow of The Royal Society Of Painter Printmakers (RE) and an elected member of The Society of Wildlife Artists (SWLA) and was a member of Pine Feroda ( 4 printmakers interpreting sea and rocks in wood cuts) for 5 years