About the artist
I studied English Literature at university but am the first to admit that I wasn’t great at it. Since then I have had a variety of jobs, including, washing up, stonewaller, builder, school technician (art
and CDT,) geological surveyor and lion tamer, one of those may be made up.
A chance encounter with clay at the age of 30 led to me embarking on a career in sculpture.
I have always been good at building things, from lego and tree houses as a kid to furniture and bathrooms as an adult, so this seemed like a natural progression.
Working with stoneware clay on a wood and paper armature the work is built up in layers with moist clay, pushed around with the hands.The marks made are reminiscent of a charcoal drawing or painting with a broad brush.
Durell and Attenborough were my childhood heroes rather than Rodin or Monet. I have always been a passionate naturalist first and a sculptor second.
I spend much of my free time exploring the pennine countryside with which I am familiar. It is only through this communion that I feel I can truly understand my subjects.
The important thing for me is to try to portray some of the vitality of the subject without getting too bogged down in detail.
The work is fired to stoneware temperatures, burning the armature away. They are finished with oxides and slips, making the sculptures suitable for indoor or outdoor display.